Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Have you ever thought about how stupid the rules of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" are? Let's think about this in terms of actual rocks, paper, and scissors. So scissors can be beat paper, because scissors cut paper. That much is true. Yes, paper does cover rock. But does it make it any less effective? No. In fact, it's just a stealth weapon then. You could wrap a rock in paper and then throw it and people would be like, oh you're just throwing a random ball of paper, and then BAM! they are unconcious, because you have just thrown a rock at them. And while rock can break scissors, this could make them even more dangerous. You could theoretically now have two blades with which to attack someone. If you hit it correctly, you could even use the rock to sharpen the scissors. I don't think Edward Scissorhands would have been all "Oh no, a rock! My weakness!" 

Obviously, Rock-Paper-Scissors was most certainly created by someone who was very lazy, and had probably never encountered rocks, paper or scissors. And yet, we continued to see it as fact, using it to solve all the mundane problems of our lives. It's been used that way for centuries, probably. For instance, if you are debating with your spouse about who should take out the garbage because it contains the remnants of yesterday's garlic-filled dinner and the week's banana peels from morning smoothies, or whose turn it is to change the cat litter because apparently you've both done it the last 11 million times, it is the ultimate deciding factor. 

I suggest, if we continue to use this game, we make it a literal version. In which case, I will always choose scissors. 

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